Our Quest & Values


Thomas A. Edison

Our Quest

We’re on a quest to restore trust in families, ensure happiness in childhood and build inclusive, accessible systems and services which empower and enable every child and young person to thrive and shine

Our Values

We place children, young people, and families at the heart of everything we do

Respecting the voices of children, young people and their families is essential . Children and young people (alongside their families) have a huge part to play in the debate and in the curation of powerful solutions that work for them, improving outcomes for all and transforming lives.

We are brave

We are unapologetically brave and show courage in the midst of challenging circumstances. If we are asking children, young people and families to face things head on, we need to do the same alongside them. Dignity, compassion and care must be at the centre of all conversations and we will speak up when it isn’t.

We are agile and inclusive

We seek to represent and work with all who have an interest in and around the attendance landscape. We recognise and champion the intersectional space, working to actively reflect, listen, challenge, be challenged and grapple with nuance, complexity, bias, hope and optimism.

We follow the evidence

We work with interdisciplinary partners from both within and outside the education sector to forge new horizons; we seek to develop holistic language, new narratives and transformational knowledge bases in and around the attendance landscape, championing practice based evidence and pioneering research.

We create integrity-led partnerships

We love working with organisations who share our values and have integrity in everything they do. Our children, young people and families need to see that we care about how they are viewed and what language, culture and practice our partners use when they describe and work alongside them.

We are honest

We will always strive to be open and transparent so our priorities, vision and objectives are clear. We are authentic, genuine, curious and honest, speaking truth to power to continuously drive change-making and inform core beliefs through the voices of lived experience.

We create level-playing fields

We believe that everyone has a role to play in solving challenges around attendance and absenteeism. Level playing fields see everyone coming together around a specific problem regardless of their background, expertise or knowledge. It is a strategy that avoids hierarchy and allows everyone to contribute.

We believe in social innovation

We work holistically and authentically to deliver co-created solutions, developed through collaborative participation and partnerships rooted in the voices of those with lived experience and expertise in the services they access. We are impact driven, focussed on social innovation fuelled by optimism and the knowledge there is always Another Way.